QA Trails
QA Trails is a brand new tool for Cable customers! Let’s get you away from manual and time consuming quality assurance processes, out of spreadsheets, and into a single tool!
We know that certain types of testing will always require a human, but that doesn’t mean they have to be the painful, manual process they are today.
Quality assurance is a significant time cost for teams; not only the reviews themselves but also the operational aspects of selecting a sample and managing tracking and reporting. Cable automates and streamlines your QA process, from generating random samples for review, providing an easy way to answer the questions that matter, to summarizing the outcomes.
With this new feature, you can now:
- Save time with our automated, random sample selection tool
- Keep all QA findings and outcomes in one place
- Easily spot and record themes in your QA findings
Assurance context about Accounts
We have improved the Assurance page, so you now see more context about the accounts contributing to any failed checks.
We’ll make it clear where more review is needed and where you’ve made a risk-based decision not to remediate, and you can now link directly to any related Paper Trails from the relevant Assurance rows.
These enhancements enable you to:
- Easily access the relevant Paper Trail directly from the Assurance page
- View a summary of the accounts contributing to a breach or failure