Update customer SAR in batch
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Unique identifier for a suspicious activity report belonging to a customer suspicious activity report. This is the primary key for a customer suspicious activity report and should be unique across all customer suspicious activity reports. Updates to a customer suspicious activity report should be made using this identifier.
Original timestamp relating to this SAR creation or update.
The status of the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR). FILED means that it has been officially filed with the appropriate regulatory agency. PENDING means that it is in the process of being filed. CANCELLED means that it is not going to be filed.
The reason for filing up a SAR for this person or company
Batch processing result
Indicates if the write operation was successful.
The number of records written to the database.
Provides additional information about the operation result.
The organization ID for which the operation was performed.