Add a new transaction
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The time of the transaction. This should be in ISO 8601 format. When adding a new transaction, this field represents the creation time. When updating a transaction, this field represents the time the transaction was updated.
Unique identifier for the transaction. This is the primary key for the transaction record and should be unique across all transactions. Updates to a transaction should be made using this identifier.
ISO 4217 currency code
Amount in USD, if not provided will be calculated using the latest exchange rate using data from Open Exchange Rates (
Identifier of the sender, this could be an account number, customer id, or any other unique identifier. If you are sending customer data to Cable, this ID should be able to be referenced in that dataset.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Identifier of the receiver, this could be an account number, customer id, or any other unique identifier.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Transaction added successfully
Indicates if the write operation was successful.
The number of records written to the database.
Provides additional information about the operation result.
The organization ID for which the operation was performed.