Update person in batch
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Unique external identifier of the person entity, ID stored in your database / back-office
Original timestamp relating to this person entity creation/change
If the person is a test user, this should be set to true
Indicates if the person is in the context of retail companies. If the value is false, fields is_beneficial_owner, is_director, is_account_owner and is_shareholder are required.
If the person is a beneficial owner of the related company, this should be set to true. If is_retail_customer is false, this field is required.
If the person is a director of the related company, this should be set to true. If is_retail_customer is false, this field is required.
If the person is an account owner of the related company, this should be set to true. If is_retail_customer is false, this field is required.
If the related company is a sole proprietorship (or sole trader if in the UK), this should be set to true.
If the person has significant control of the related company, this should be set to true
If the person is a shareholder of the related company, this should be set to their ownership percentage, as a value between 0 and 1
The account status for the related person. Refer to the Developer Guide “Entity Account Statuses” to understand what account statuses mean at Cable, and how to use them
The provided full name of the person
The provided first name of the person
The provided last name of the person
Contact email for the person
Legal/contact address for the entity
Contact telephone number for the person
2 or 3 Character ISO 3166 Country Code (https://w.wiki/4rY)
Primary occupation of the individual
Original timestamp of when the person completed their first transaction
Persons updated successfully
Indicates if the write operation was successful.
The number of records written to the database.
Provides additional information about the operation result.
The organization ID for which the operation was performed.