Add onboarding flow information
Endpoint for adding new Onboarding Flow information
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Unique identifier for an onboarding flow belonging to an onboarding flow. This is the primary key for an onboarding flow and should be unique across all onboarding flows. Updates to an onboarding flow should be made using this identifier.
Original timestamp relating to this onboarding flow information creation/change
Latest onboarding flow that this entity has gone through, e.g. manual KYC, automated onboarding, Simplified Due Diligence, Enhanced Due Diligence
Outcome for the latest onboarding flow that this entity has gone through, e.g. automated approval, manual approval, automated rejection, manual rejection, EDD required
Onboarding flow added successfully
Indicates if the write operation was successful.
The number of records written to the database.
Provides additional information about the operation result.
The organization ID for which the operation was performed.