Add company information
Endpoint for adding new company information
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Unique external identifier of the company entity, ID stored in your database / back-office
Original timestamp relating to when this company’s information was received
If the company is a test company, this should be set to true
The account status for the related person at that timestamp. Refer to the Developer Guide “Entity Account Statuses” to understand what account statuses mean at Cable, and how to use them
Legal name of the business
Trading name of the business
Main contact email for the company
Main contact telephone number for the company
Business entity type. eg. Sole Trader, Limited Company
Date when the company was incorporated
2 or 3 Character ISO 3166 Country Code (
State where the company was incorporated (US only)
2 or 3 Character ISO 3166 Country Code (
Nature of business
Source of wealth of the company
Source of initial deposit of the company
Original timestamp of when the person completed their first transaction
If the company is registered as inactive, this should be set to true
Company added successfully
Indicates if the write operation was successful.
The number of records written to the database.
Provides additional information about the operation result.
The organization ID for which the operation was performed.